WOW, there I went again....days without making any posts! So sorry! Time has seriously gotten away from me. Going to make this a bigger priority on my to do list.
Why have I been so busy?
Well my two challenge groups are still going strong, so I try to dedicate a lot of time to my participants. I want to be available as much as I can be for them. Also trying to keep up with housework and as we all know my son and dogs keep me SUPER busy!
However, I do have to say I have two awesome groups going right now! Heart Racer is full of all ladies and they are all driven to change themselves for the better. Same with my Insanity group they are ready to push play everyday even when they know the workout is going to be tough. They ALL definitely keep me extremely motivated to continue with my workouts and to lead a healthier lifestyle! Man I love being a
Beachbody coach!
How is Insanity?
Insanity is going great! Today is the second to the last day of week 3, I can't believe week 4 will be here on Monday already, doesn't seem possible. There have been a few ups and downs for me with insanity though.
Polar FT40 |
I did order and receive my polar fitness watch, which I am totally in love with by the way! I seriously recommend getting a watch that can calculate heart rate and calories burned, but that has a chest strap transmitter for more accuracy. Now I know about how many calories I am burning after every workout and if I need to rest some to get my heart rate to drop back down. Another positive thing is I am progressing a lot in the workouts, I can go longer without needing a break which is phenomenal! Also I can tell my body is changing and I love it. My "mommy belly" is starting to tighten even more and there is more of an outline of where my abs are, I am so thrilled with the changes I see! Anyone who wants to change themselves for the better, whether to lose weight or just plain be healthier do it because it's worth it. Also to all the moms out there with that horrible "mommy belly" too, it will go away, it takes a lot of work and time, but it will happen! I can help you achieve all of this!
My sweet knee brace ;) Definitely helps my knee |
One downfall recently, it's hard to even tell you about it....I had to go to the doctor this week for my knee. I had issues with it months ago while doing
TurboFire then it went away and now it's back while doing
Insanity. Basically what happens with my knee is during my workouts it's somewhat sore, but not too horrible because I can finish the workout it's the pain afterward. Whenever I try to straighten my leg after a workout or even sitting in one spot for awhile and I try to straighten my leg it absolutely kills because it's so tight. I finally sucked it up and decided to make an appointment to see what in the world is going on. I found out that my knee cap doesn't slide straight it actually slides crooked, so when I do jumps and all the moves the impact is hurting my knee since it's not working right. One positive thing about finding out the news is that nothing is torn, that was a huge relief. I received a few instructions from my doctor to do some exercises to strengthen my knee and also my hips, to wear a knee brace while I workout, and to take ibuprofen to help with the inflammation. I have been following the doctors orders and I must say after the last workout I did, which I did take it a tad easy because if my knee, but it actually has felt awesome since!
What else is new?
Not too much is new other than being super busy all the time, but I have definitely turned into a "label freak". My husband now hates shopping with me! haha When I say label freak I am referring to being very cautious of what we buy to eat and drink. Every time before I buy something new that I haven't looked at the label before is I have to check the ingredients. Do I hate having to check all labels?
No of course not Yes I hate it! I already dislike grocery shopping and now that I check all the labels it takes me almost twice as long to shop now! If only all foods and drinks only contained natural ingredients then shopping would be an absolute breeze. More on shopping and the things I look for later.
Fifty Shades Trilogy |
I am extremely happy I found some time the other night to read a few chapters of
Fifty Shades Freed. Normally books don't take me long to read; when they're good, but with having no time lately I keep putting off finishing the book. If you have no clue what book I am talking about then you're missing out! It is actually part of a trilogy;
Fifty Shades of Grey,
Fifty Shades Darker, and
Fifty Shades Freed. The books have mixed reviews, either readers love them or they hate them and I am one of the people who absolutely love them. If you haven't read them, do! :-)
Goodbye for now!
As I drink a cup of green tea while I finish up some loose ends.
Yogi 100% Natural Organic Decaf Green Tea