Monday, January 28, 2013

My First Post!

Hi! My first blog post! So bare with me if this post is a tad plain, never done this before and actually shared it with the we go!

Today being Sunday has been a pretty good one over all. Kevin's parents came to visit and of course they were excited to see Ryder, he hasn't seen his papa and grandma Keilitz since Christmas! Crazy how time flies isn't it?? Kevin's parents won't be heading back home until tonight so we will be having dinner with them later, it's always nice to have family time. :)

I am actually really glad I decided to start a blog, I have somewhere to share my thoughts, how my day is going, and my interests with people! Being a stay at home mom doesn't really let me have much adult interaction while my husband is at work, so hopefully this helps me out!.. Luckily lil man is napping so it gives me a chance to try this out. 

Since only becoming a Beachbody coach in November I finally got my ideas in order and around to holding my first challenge on January 2nd. That challenge is nearing it's end on Thursday, it's bittersweet! I am so happy that my challenge has become successful because the ladies in my group are leading even healthier lives! They tell me thank you so often and it's such a wonderful feeling that they are happy I introduced them to the Beachbody world! My next TWO challenges start on February 4th, I'm so excited to help more people achieve their goals. Not to mention I start a new program that day too, Insanity! I am so nervous to start it, but I know I will finish it, plus I have all the participants in both challenges that will for sure keep me going!

What a great day with family! It's snowing a ton outside right now it's beautiful. Hopefully it'll stick around to go sledding soon with my husband and Ryder!

Happy Sunday night everyone!

Good night!



  1. First follower! :) lol.

    The snow is pretty, but it wasn't that fun to drive home in.. And I'm excited for your challenge to begin! :)

    1. Now to figure out how to follow back! lol

      The snow is pretty, and yea I saw the roads last night they didn't look pretty....Not too bad this morning though which is good since Kevin left for work at the same time as usual lol.

      I'm glad you're excited for the challenge did you see the group?

    2. I did see the group! :) and to follow - if you go to my Blog, on the right side it will have the follow button for google friend connect :)

  2. Oh I will have to check it out lol. I have a new blog post!
